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Parks, Sustainability, and Climate Resilience

April 9, 2024 Regular Meeting of Mountain View City Council

April 9, 2024 Regular Meeting of Mountain View City Council

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Hear me speak about electrification. 

Most weekends you can find me enjoying Rengstorff Park. I especially love the huge trees near the basketball courts. They’re beautiful, and they're a good reminder of the climate challenges Mountain View faces.  I believe we need to build more parks to promote being outdoors and unite the community around climate resilience.

I want to see more dog parks, so pet owners can enjoy our city’s parks. Parks that could accommodate new dog parks include Sylvan, Charleston, and Chetwood Parks. We also need more bathrooms, benches, and water fountains so folks can stay outside longer. Other recreational programs such as swim lessons, Deer Hollow Farm tours, and pickleball courts need to be expanded to meet demand.

Trees are vital to public health because they cool us down and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. I stand committed to protect heritage trees and promote native, pollinator-friendly landscaping. I support the city’s partnership with the nonprofit Canopy to host more plantings and educate children and adults alike.

Shoreline Regional Park is one of Mountain View’s crown jewels and it’s vital to our climate resilience. To protect against sea level rise, we should restore more tidal wetlands in partnership with the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project. I also support a dark skies ordinance and bird protections to protect ecological stability and public health.

I envision a Mountain View where sustainability is a way of life. I will push the City Council to facilitate sustainable consumption, electrification, and multimodal transportation. To minimize the use of single occupancy vehicles and promote healthy living, I will work to improve our bike lanes, expand Stevens Creek Trail, and improve our sidewalks. I want Mountain View to be a 15-minute city.

Learn more about my sustainability ideas here. 

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